What is the truth?(to be continued)
After seeing the movie "Basic Instinct 2," I started to get confused of the term "truth." As we know about existentialism, every truth comes from the process, which consists of the information obtained, estimate of resource credibility, and our own memory checking with logistic thinking. However, there are various "potential truths," which might be in extremely opposite position of the spectrum, fitting in with this process.(亦即,有些可能的真相,套入同樣的Process去審視,會由於不同的邏輯角度,跟自身的偏見,得到不同的結果,但這不同的結果,卻都合理) As soon as figuring out a reasonable answer, we may easily have a prejudice that the potential truth is the real one, although there are still other answers. How can we identify the truth? Digging in such kind of information may result in more and more puzzles as the doctor performs in the movie. Could we solve it only by our brain?
Or maybe the better way is by pure heart.
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